Her Sister Is Giving Her Baby The Exact Same Name Her Daughter Has, Just With One Letter Changed, So She Thinks She Needs To Express To Her Sister How Upsetting This Is

Josep - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Josep - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old woman has a sister who is 21, and she is not that close to her sister at all.

Over the past several years, she’s grown even more apart from her sister, to the point where she would describe their relationship as basically in shambles.

She does love her sister very much, but her sister is just a lot. Now, her sister is pregnant with a little girl, and she has spoken to her sister a small amount since finding out about her being pregnant.

Mainly, she and her sister chit-chat about her sister’s morning sickness, and she does try to give her sister advice, as she is a mom.

She has a daughter of her own, who is about to turn 2 soon, and her daughter’s name is really special to her.

She named her sister Karliah, after a character in the video game Skyrim, as she loved the story behind this character.

Also, when she was in a bad place in her life, playing Skyrim really did help her get out of her funk.

“Today, my sister posted on Facebook the name she has picked out,” she explained. “It’s the same as my daughter’s but has one letter changed.”

“It’s not a very large change; think of changing an “e” to an “i.” I feel kind of dumb for feeling upset about it, but here I am. I want to tell her that I am upset, but I’m being told by my grandmother and aunt to let it go.”

Josep – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

The name her sister is planning on giving to her own daughter is the final straw for her. Her sister has a lengthy list of mean things she’s done to her, and she’s done.

She’s done dealing with all of the craziness her sister brings to her life. She is aware that there’s nothing she can do to prevent her sister from naming her baby after her daughter, but it still is greatly upsetting to her.

She is thinking of expressing to her sister how disappointing this is, but she doesn’t believe that will make her sister change her mind and pick a new name.

“I just think that if I don’t say something now, she will see my silence as approval and use that later,” she said.

Do you think it’s worth her saying something to her sister, or should she say nothing?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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