His Daughter Didn’t Want To Go To India With His Ex-Wife For A Trip, So In An Effort To Convince Her, He Told His Daughter That It Was Okay To Use Her Mother For Money

Alena Ozerova - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Alena Ozerova - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man was formerly married to his ex-wife, Judy, who is 36-years-old. And while they were together, they ended up having a daughter named Scarlet, who is now 13.

However, he claims that his ex-wife never actually wanted kids. Instead, he revealed that only he wanted children and had assumed that his ex-wife did, too.

But, by the time Judy delivered Scarlet, and they began raising their daughter together, it apparently became clear that Judy had “completely changed.”

In terms of romance, he and his ex-wife stopped bonding. Judy was also not very caring toward Scarlet, and his ex actually blamed their newfound lack of independence on their baby girl.

So, after just one year of raising their daughter together, they ended up getting a divorce. And apparently, Judy gave him everything.

Then, she ultimately moved to Seattle a few months later, got “really fit,” and reportedly got laser surgery to remove the pregnancy-caused stretch marks. What really hurt him the most, though, was that his ex did not even want to see Scarlet just once a year.

That was 12 years ago, though. And since then, Judy has gone on to live a very independent and seemingly luxurious life.

According to him, his ex moved to Los Angeles and now divides her time between L.A., London, New York City, and Mumbai.

Judy has also taken advantage of social media and has reportedly become a decently famous “influencer and socialite.”

Alena Ozerova – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“I check her Instagram every now and then, and she has been at parties with celebrities all over the world and truly seems happy,” he revealed.

He also gave his ex-wife some credit, too, and admitted that every time her financial situation changed, Judy had come back to reassess their child support agreement. More specifically, she has always been willing to reconstruct the payment plan in order to provide more funds for Scarlet’s care.

Plus, every time his ex came back, he claimed that she would spend some time with their daughter. And even though he has since gotten remarried and no longer needs any financial contributions, Judy has kept her child support payments at the same amount.

About three years ago, though, he recalled how his ex began calling and trying to speak with their daughter more. She would also visit more throughout the year and come for two weeks during spring break.

Nowadays, Judy also calls Scarlet every single night unless she is in New York City, London, or Mumbai. In those cases, his ex still communicates– just over text.

“On New Year’s, she was at some celebrity’s party but still took the time to phone. Now, I’m not saying that this makes up for anything, but she has been a presence in Scarlet’s life,” he recalled.

Just this past week, though, Judy, unfortunately, found out that her grandfather is very ill. So, he is expected to pass away within a month’s time.

This means that she will be traveling to India over spring break to attend her grandfather’s funeral. And, given the circumstances, his ex has asked if she could bring Scarlet with her.

Now, he is reportedly fine with that, and his new wife is fine with it, too. However, he claims that Scarlet got really upset after learning that she would be spending two weeks in India.

At that point, he reportedly tried to point out how Judy would take his daughter to all of the nice places. So, Scarlet would get to see a ton of great things while also finally meeting her mother’s side of the family.

Regardless of his encouragement, though, his daughter still claimed that it was not fair. And at that point, he decided to try one other method of convincing Scarlet to go on the trip.

“I pointed out that, at the very least, Scarlet could get whatever she wants out of her mom in those two weeks,” he said.

It appears that his wife overheard what he was implying, though, and ended up getting really furious with him. In fact, she accused him of being a total jerk for telling Scarlet that it would be alright to milk Judy for cash since his ex has barely been in his daughter’s life.

Now, he claimed that his wife’s interpretation of his statement was not what he truly meant. However, they still ultimately had a huge argument, and he now realizes that what he told Scarlet did basically sound like he told his daughter to use her mom.

So, ever since then, he has been left wondering whether telling his daughter that it was okay to use her mother for money was a really jerky thing to do or not.

What do you think about Judy’s communication arrangement with their daughter? Do you believe he should be trying to force Scarlet to go to India in the first place? Was it wrong of him to suggest that Scarlet could take advantage of Judy’s money? If you were in his shoes, how would you reconcile this situation?  

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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