
He Agreed To Go On A Free Family Vacation In Place Of His Honeymoon, And Now His Fiancée Is Furious

Oleg Breslavtsev - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Every single year, this 27-year-old guy’s family goes on vacation with their family friends. The tradition started when he was about 11-years-old, and it has continued for almost two decades.

Each year, his parents and the other family take turns planning and paying for the trip. So, this year, it is up to the other family to make all of the arrangements.

In just a few weeks, though, he is getting married to his fiancée. And while planning their wedding, they also planned to go on their honeymoon at the end of the year– even though they have not set any plans in stone yet.

Now, he apparently works for his father– so he is able to take off of work basically whenever he wants.

His fiancée, on the other hand, only has so much paid time off (PTO). So, they were trying to be strategic with their planning around the wedding and honeymoon.

Due to this, he initially told everyone that he probably would have to just skip the trip this year. But then, last week, his “bonus dad” got involved.

“He’s a father figure to me and has been in my life since I was young,” he explained.

“He and my dad went to university and went on to start a business together. No blood relation. Just lots of time and love spent between both families.”

Anyway, his bonus dad wound up going to him and detailing how there was a room booked for both him and his fiancée.

Oleg Breslavtsev – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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