
Does Toxic Perfectionism Have A Hold On Your Life? Here Are Some Of The Key Signs

At the same time, losing 15 pounds in a month sounds all well and good until you find yourself in the gym for three hours every day, obsessing over calories and skipping out on opportunities to make memories in fear of “falling off track.”

That’s why most people try to set realistic and sustainable goals. But, for toxic perfectionists, that’s just not our forte.

We tend to believe that we are the exceptions– thinking that if we just work “hard enough,” we can be the people to do the impossible; to achieve what other people cannot.

This mindset that we have to always be willing to work harder in order to avoid being “average,” though, is just downright detrimental. And when you eventually fail, you will suffer a self-hate spiral of unmatched proportions.

2. Planners Are Your Prized Possessions

I love planning; I really do. But even I recognize how harmful planning every part of your life can be.

First of all, if you rely on planners too much, they can cause so much stress and anxiety. When you are constantly thinking about what you have to complete and by what date, it is so easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged.

Then, these negative feelings can just send you further down the rabbit hole– encouraging you to plan and plan and plan in an attempt to get everything done despite the odds stacked against you.

In this process, though, you miss out on life. Think about the sheer amount of time you spend organizing your planner, writing Post-it notes, or filling out your calendar. Is it 30 minutes a day? Even an hour?

Afterward, consider all of the things you actually include in your planner. Do meals and breaks really need to be so rigid? Or would it be better to go with the flow of your life some days?

At the end of the day, planners and other organizational decors can be great things for people who tend to lack organization or need help with time management. But if you are already hyperaware of your routine and goals, it might be best to ditch the planner– because you are only feeding an unhealthy obsession.

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