
She Couldn’t Escape A Man Who Approached Her With Seemingly Friendly Intentions, But Wouldn’t Leave Her Alone For Several City Blocks

She noticed that the man had been walking next to her for 5-10 blocks as she tried to calm her dog. She tried explaining that she was on her way to an appointment but was too nervous around him to say anything. 

Finally, he asked her if she could take off her mask so he could see her face. That is a major red flag.

When she said no, he acted shocked but kept pressing her. Then, he asked if she’d get a cup of coffee with him, and she told him she was in a very committed relationship as her dog continued to bark.

“Finally, after like, 10 streets, after he realized I’m taken, this dude departs and leaves me alone,” she said.

Looking back on the situation, the man could have genuinely been someone who wanted to ask her out but had terrible social skills. But following someone for 10 blocks is not okay, and no one wants to be in that kind of dangerous situation.

What would you do if that happened to you?

You can read the original post on Reddit here. 

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