
He’s Been Out On The Street Doing What He Calls “Polite Catcalling,” And His Compliments Are Kind And Hilarious

rh2010 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

As a young woman living in a big city, I know just how awful it can feel to be catcalled on the street. When random men shout things out about my body or appearance on the street, it can be incredibly violating and even embarrassing. 

But one TikTok user and comedian has taken catcalling to a new level. And he’s not doing this in a bad way but in a polite way. 

For months now, Benedict Polizzi (@benedictpolizzi) has been out on the street doing what he calls “polite catcalling.” 

Benedict stands on the street with a megaphone, a camera crew, and a friend holding up a sign that reads, “polite catcalling” in big letters. You know, just in case people mistake his intentions.

Then, Benedict chooses different women walking past him to call out and compliment instead of making them uncomfortable!

Benedict’s compliments are kind and hilarious, as what he says to women has nothing to do with their body types and is totally appropriate. 

“Damn girl,” is what ladies hear walking down the street in Benedict’s presence. When you watch his videos, you can see women start to tense up at those two words. But then, he’ll say something like, “You look like you know how to fold a fitted sheet.” 

One of the best parts of Benedict’s polite catcalling is seeing the happy and joyful reactions of those he compliments! And he doesn’t just politely catcall girls, but guys walking on the street as well. 

For example, Benedict once called out a guy and said, “Damn, boy. You look like you clean the stove after you cook.”

rh2010 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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