
Her Brother Claimed That Her Sister’s Husband Admitted To Being Attracted To Her At A Family Barbecue, But She Thinks Her Brother Might Just Be Lying To Get Her To Quit Her Nannying Job - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 22-year-old woman recently graduated from college and has since begun nannying for her 32-year-old sister and her 35-year-old brother-in-law. Together, they have two kids, who are 4 years old.

But she also has a brother, who is 29 and recently had a baby with his wife about three months ago. So, the couple is also now looking for childcare to be prepared when her sister-in-law heads back to work.

While her brother and sister-in-law found a daycare they were satisfied with, though, the daycare was pretty expensive and located a decent drive away. That’s why they wound up asking her if she would also be able to nanny their daughter in addition to nannying for her sister’s two kids.

However, she honestly told her brother that she wasn’t sure if she could handle it all. After all, his baby is just a few months old right now.

“It just seemed like too much. Plus, the summer is coming up, and I had a lot of things planned to do with the twins that would be made harder with the baby needing to nap, eat, and requiring constant supervision,” she explained.

Still, it was obvious that her brother really wanted to make some arrangement work since, apparently, his wife was having a lot of anxiety about leaving their newborn with a stranger.

Nonetheless, she was forced to tell her brother that it just was not possible for her to nanny for them. And thankfully, her brother and sister-in-law took the news well and dropped the topic after that.

This past Friday, however, her family got together for a barbecue at her sister’s house. Then, the following day, her brother showed up at her apartment and claimed he needed to talk to her.

During their conversation, her brother detailed how he had been outside talking with her sister’s husband– her brother-in-law– at one point during the barbecue. By that time, her brother admitted that they were both drunk but claimed her brother-in-law was way more intoxicated than him. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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