
Scandinavian Style Focuses On Minimalism And Simplicity, So Here Are A Few Things To Keep In Mind When Decorating Your Home In This Way - - illustrative purposes only

I recently made a pretty big move, and while there are a lot of stressors involved, there is one aspect that I have been excited about, which is; redesigning.

I have been looking at this move as an opportunity to revamp my space and create an environment that I love. One of the interior design aesthetics that I have become a big fan of is the Scandinavian style.

This interior design style takes inspiration from 1950s Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, and Finland and really focuses on minimalism and simplicity.

When implementing this style, the furniture and decor pieces that you curate for your home should be functional and neutral in color.

The style is different from styles like “millennial gray” because of its tendency to tie in natural woods that add warmth to an otherwise muted look.

For example, instead of an all-white desk, I opted for my desktop to be a plank of natural and warm wood, while the legs and drawers of my desk remained white.

In a bedroom, add some texture and dimension by adding elements such as a chunky knit throw blanket or a furry pillow or rug.

If you have researched Scandinavian design within the past few years, you may have seen the term Hygge being used. What exactly does it mean, and how can you incorporate it into your home?

Hygge is a Danish word that defines the feeling of coziness, comfiness, and overall contentment. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like the kind of environment I want to live in! – – illustrative purposes only

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