
Her Boyfriend Quit His Job Without Really Thinking, And She Has Had To Loan Him Money Ever Since, So Now She’s Struggling Financially - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old woman is concerned about her 27-year-old boyfriend’s decision to quit his job and what that means for her and their 2-year relationship.

It’s been about a year since her boyfriend moved in with her into a house that she is paying the mortgage on. Before moving in, her boyfriend agreed that he would contribute his money every week to help pay for their bills and their groceries.

He also would be responsible for his car loan, which is on the expensive side at $800 per month.

Recently, her boyfriend expressed to her that he was becoming very unhappy with his current job and wanted to begin searching for a new one. While she was initially supportive of this decision, she advised him to be smart and careful and to have a game plan.

“I encouraged him to start looking for a new job while working at his current one, but also warned him that there is a recession looming, and leaving solid employment is a very risky move,” she explained.

Her boyfriend agreed with her and told her that he would start looking for a new job as soon as he could. However, as the weeks went by, he never searched for a new job, and before they knew it, his job became too difficult for him to continue working at, causing him to quit. With no new job waiting for him, she is concerned about this choice that he made.

Fast forward 7 weeks, he is still unemployed and has yet to have any interviews for any prospective jobs. He had to dig into his savings in order to keep up with his car loan and had to hold off on his agreed-upon contributions to their household.

She has repeatedly loaned him money during this time to help pay for his car as well as vet bills from his pet. She is finally struggling and is worried about keeping up with these loans.

“I am financially struggling to lend him money as I’ve been hit hard by mortgage rate rises and cost of living. I expect to have to loan him more money again soon,” she said. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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