
Her Boyfriend Has Never Contributed To The Bills Or Household Chores, Even After Moving In With Her, So She Feels Taken Advantage Of

Martin Villadsen - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

After this 23-year-old woman became separated from her ex-husband, she was left to care for a household all by herself. On top of that, she took on most of the care for her young son.

Then, she decided to dip her toe back into the dating pool and wound up meeting her current boyfriend– who she has been dating for 11 months.

They apparently connected instantly, and her boyfriend wound up staying at her place every night and every weekend when he was not working. He simply liked her home more since he lived in a house shared with other people.

And at that point, she wanted to impress her boyfriend– as well as show him love. That’s why she started washing his clothes, cleaning, and cooking for him– despite the fact that it added more stress to her plate.

Still, in the beginning, her boyfriend was treating her regularly. He would take her on dates and buy her little items and flowers. So, she felt like she needed to put the same effort back in for him.

By that point in their relationship, however, the expectation of her providing for him had already been set. Her boyfriend would even come over every single night and ask her, “What’s for dinner?” or, “Have you washed my clothes?”

As time went on, she wound up watching as her savings plummeted since she would be forced to buy extra groceries to accommodate her boyfriend in addition to herself and her son. Her boyfriend also started taking food to work with him for lunch and helping himself to her fridge whenever he was hungry.

So, she slowly started having to go grocery shopping more frequently. Yet, even when her boyfriend went along, he would toss items into the cart and never offer to pay for them.

Her boyfriend would also make comments whenever she put a few grocery items back or picked out budget options– making her feel like a cheapskate.

Martin Villadsen – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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