
Her Boyfriend Has Never Contributed To The Bills Or Household Chores, Even After Moving In With Her, So She Feels Taken Advantage Of

And while he was well aware that she had to stick to a weekly budget for her expenses, he would still make snide remarks.

“The only way he ever bought groceries was if I requested he picks something up for me, and I’d only ask for a few inexpensive items,” she said.

Aside from food expenses, her boyfriend also started to run up her utility bills. He would only shower at her house, even if he stopped by his place before coming over. And despite her constantly reminding him to be more mindful, he would repeatedly leave lights on around her house.

Her reminders then caused her boyfriend to keep making her feel cheap. He also claimed that if his behavior bothered her so much, then he would pay the bills.

Yet, whenever the bills actually showed up, he would not even mention it– leaving her with increasing sums to pay.

In terms of household chores, her boyfriend never pitched in, either. He would frequently leave his clothes, dishes, and other messes lying around. And rather than stepping in to help her tidy up, he would just sit on his phone and watch her clean everything.

Now, she did want to clarify that she is not exactly in a place of financial struggle. Instead, she has a decent amount of savings. But her boyfriend is well aware of that, causing her to think that he just doesn’t believe his behavior matters.

She also just felt awkward asking her boyfriend to help out with the bills, and she didn’t want him to think that he was moving into her house– even though he was there every night already.

So, she would just make passing comments about how the cost of living is rising and leading to increased bills. After that, her boyfriend would sometimes offer to help out financially. But she didn’t really act on the offers.

“I would awkwardly say, ‘That’s okay, just make up for it in other ways,'” she recalled.

“But I felt that the added stresses and costs weren’t worth the small things he would occasionally do for me.”

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