
He’s A Teacher And He Got An Email From A Parent Demanding That He Change Their Kid’s Grade From An F To An A Because It Was Unacceptable Their Kid Was Failing

Gorodenkoff - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Most of us, at one point or another, wished that we could change our less-than-average grade in a class to a higher one– daydreaming about it magically changing instead of having to put in the work to make it better.

But this parent was actually bold enough to email their child’s teacher, demanding they change their grade overnight!

TikTok user and teacher Mr. S (@thatoneteacherdude) shared what one of his student’s parents emailed him regarding a failing grade.

When it’s read aloud, it almost seems like the child themselves sent the message.

In the email, this parent claims that Mr. S is expecting too much of the hardworking child and shouldn’t fail them just because he can.

The parent insisted that the ‘F’ grade must be resolved that night, writing in all capital letters with numerous exclamation points.

The parent also claimed that the ‘F’ was unacceptable and that the grade should be a ‘B’ or a ‘C’ at the lowest.

“I do not appreciate you purposely failing my child. My child deserves more credit than she is getting,” the message states.

This angry parent goes on to say that Mr. S shouldn’t expect his students to be able to complete the homework assignments that they are given and claims that he doesn’t have much of a life if he thinks that this is a realistic possibility for children.

Gorodenkoff – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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