
She Bought Her Mom’s House, But Then Her Mom Said She Should Give It Back For Free So Her Brother Could Have It Instead, Since He Deserved It More

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Recently on TikTok, people have been sharing stories about how their parents treated them compared to how their siblings were treated by their parents, which proves who was the favorite child in the family.

TikTok user @jewishmillennial shares a story about her narcissistic mother that proves she was her least favorite child.

Her parents were attempting to sell a house, but because of the market at the time, they were not having much success in the endeavor. So, her mother kept encouraging her to buy the house from them and move closer to them in the process.

Since it was during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, she and her husband thought that maybe being closer to family would be a good idea.

So, the couple bought the house and agreed on an amount to pay her parents for it. As most people would do after purchasing a house, they began fixing up any elements that needed repairs. Unbeknownst to them, this would be a huge problem.

“My mom was very upset that we replaced broken door handles, broken lights, broken fixtures, fixed the flooring, fixed the walls, painted everything, had just everything done,” she said in her video.

From her mother’s point of view, the house was a gift to them, and to make any alterations was disrespectful, and her mom thought that every aspect of the house should have been appreciated for what it was. Despite her and her husband paying for the house at the market rate!

Her mother began harassing her and her family so much that they decided that they could no longer live there and would have to move back out of the state. They also chose to put the house back on the market, which of course, was not received well by her mother.

“She contacted me through my dad and asked us to give her the house for free so she could give it to my brother because he was more deserving,” she retold.

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