
She Ditched Her Friend At A Mexican Restaurant After She Made A Big Scene Over Finding A Bay Leaf In Their Nachos

“But before I could even try to explain, [she] was calling over our server.”

She figured that once the server explained to her coworker what a bay leaf was, the entire situation would be settled, but that wasn’t the case.

Her coworker insisted that the bay leaf was a random leaf from outside and demanded that their food be comped. 

She was mortified as she watched her coworker go back and forth with the server until the server had to go and get the restaurant manager.

While the server was gone, she told her coworker again that she was wrong, and they even began arguing.

“She only realized she had made a mistake when I literally pulled my phone out and googled ‘bay leaf’ to show her,” she recalled.

“She seemed to be genuinely embarrassed and apologetic to me, at least. Knowing her mistake, I assumed she would apologize to our server as well and tell them we would be happily paying for our bill, but I was shocked when the manager came over to rectify the situation, and she stuck to her guns.”

She was so shocked to see her coworker acting like this that when she finally had enough, she excused herself to go to the bathroom.

However, she didn’t actually go to the bathroom. Instead, she found their server, paid the bill, gave her a tip, and apologized. Then, she left the restaurant without alerting her coworker and went back to work.

When her coworker returned to their office, she confronted her about ditching her in the restaurant. She asked her coworker why she felt the need to lie and harass the restaurant employees even after realizing she made a mistake. 

“She said she was embarrassed, and it was easier to just follow through instead of admitting her mistake,” she added.

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