
She Didn’t Invite Her Sister-In-Law’s Family To A Barbecue This Year Because They Ate All The Food At Last Year’s Gathering, And She Got Accused of Fat-Shaming Her Sister-In-Law

Kalim - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman likes to host barbecues and beach days for her family. However, her sister-in-law’s family is reportedly morbidly obese.

She claims that her sister-in-law and her sister-in-law’s husband are both over 300 pounds. And their daughter, who is just 12 years old, is reportedly “pushing 200 pounds.”

“They’re the type of people to buy a smoker and a giant chest freezer for $3,000-plus but fail to pay their mortgage and land tax and ask family to help them out,” she explained.

“And when they are called out on it, it’s met with a ‘making sure my family is fed is my top priority.'”

Now, she agrees that feeding a family is a major priority. However, she thinks it’s a big issue that her sister-in-law’s family of three tends to eat enough food for 10 people.

Anyway, this all came to a head last year when she extended two invitations to her sister-in-law’s family for a barbecue and beach day.

She detailed how, on both occasions, her sister-in-law’s family ate all of the food so quickly that many of the other guests didn’t even know she was offering food at the gathering.

“I vividly remember them putting three hamburgers, four hotdogs, and nearly half a container of pasta salad on their plates and still going up for seconds and thirds,” she recalled.

“I wish I were kidding, but I’m not.”

Kalim – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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