
Her Daughter Just Graduated From College And Is Pregnant With Her Second Child, And When She Expressed Her Displeasure, Her Daughter Got Angry At Her

Pixel-Shot - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has a daughter who ended up getting pregnant in her second year of college, and she says it was an awful time in all of their lives.

She and her husband had to really step up and help out so that her daughter could complete college in a timely fashion.

Luckily, her daughter did just graduate, and she now has a job.

The issue is that her daughter can not afford childcare or rent, as her job isn’t actually that great at all, and she doesn’t make enough money to pay for any of that.

She and her husband were still thinking that she would be able to save up enough money to allow her to move out of their house before 2024, but that’s not going to be happening at all.

“We were hoping she would be moving out by the end of the year,” she explained. “She told us today that she is pregnant again.”

“When she told us, I said not again. She asked if I was happy for her, and I told her no. That we will not look after another kid, and we already wanted her to find her own place by the end of the year or next summer at the latest.”

Her daughter is absolutely furious that she’s not happy at all that she’s pregnant with her second child.

But she’s not sure how she can be thrilled when her daughter isn’t in a financially stable place to provide for both of her children, and she doesn’t want to keep helping her care for her kids.

Pixel-Shot – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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