
He Keeps Telling His Wife To Go See Her Dying Son, Who Has One Month Left To Live, But His Wife Is Refusing

Photo 13152238 © Wrangler - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man’s wife, Sara, 39, has a son named Vicky, 20, from her last marriage.

Due to the timing and the way he and Sara started dating, there was tension during her divorce from her ex-husband.

The drama deeply affected Vicky, who was 8 years old during the ordeal.

For several years, Sara attempted to provide Vicky with emotional support.

“But it was like the more she tried, the further away he got. It came to a head when he was 12, and she caught him trying to smoke, and then he almost broke her jaw when she stopped him. After that, she stopped trying to force custody and just let him stay with his dad,” he said.

During the fight, Vicky struck Sara with a hockey stick, and then he kicked her. This caused her to fall, and this was how her jaw was injured.

Since the incident, Sara forgave Vicky. Despite the trauma she endured, she understood that he was going through a difficult time because of her divorce.

Obviously, she still loved Vicky since he was her son, but she was concerned that if she allowed Vicky to keep living with her, his violent behavior would escalate. She worried that he would hurt other children like he’d hurt her.

Before she came to the decision to end her custody, she brought Vicky to therapy, but he wasn’t receptive to it.

Photo 13152238 © Wrangler – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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