
Is “Super-Commuting” The Newest Way To Save On Transportation Costs? She Started Flying To Her Internship In New York From Virginia Every Week After Realizing It Was Cheaper To Pay For Plane Tickets Than Pay NYC Rent

Yaroslav Astakhov - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

As prices continue to climb and the world is becoming less and less affordable, people have come up with some creative ways of saving money. For Sophia Celentano (@sophiacelentano48), that means commuting to work by plane.

The 21-year-old started “super-commuting” after landing a summer internship at an advertising agency in New York. She posted a video on TikTok detailing her morning routine before work, and it gained a ton of media attention.

Sophia was allowed to work from home four days per week but was required to go into the office every Wednesday. After doing the calculations, she found that it was cheaper to live at home with her parents in Charleston, Virginia, and fork over the cash for plane tickets once a week than to pay for rent in New York.

So, on those days, her mornings would begin by waking up at three o’clock. In this particular video, she happened to be staying at her boyfriend’s place in Richmond. Her flight was at six, which meant she had to leave the house by four.

Before four o’clock hit, she spent the time doing her makeup, touching up her hair, and dressing in her business casual clothes. To travel to work, she needed to get from Richmond to Newark Airport.

Upon her arrival in New York, she would order an Uber to take her to the office. She usually reached the office by 8:30 AM. After work, she takes an Uber back to the airport to fly home to Charleston.

Several TikTok users revealed in the comments section that they had made similar commutes at one point in their lives.

“As someone who commuted 3.5 hours round trip for 4 years in college – I love this mindset,” commented one user.

“I did this in 2021, I would take the red eye from San Francisco to New York on Tuesdays and be back within 24 hours wasn’t that bad for three months,” stated another.

Yaroslav Astakhov – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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