
He Finally Found Out Who His Father Was After Receiving A Call That His Dad Was Dying Of Cancer, And Now He’s Trying To Find His Half-Siblings

atiger - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Most of the time, Korean dramas are driven by storylines that don’t make much sense and seem pretty unrealistic.

But for one man, his childhood was like the plot of a K-drama come to life! TikToker Ed Choi (@etchaskej) went viral for sharing the story of his family, and he’s asking viewers if they can help him locate his half-siblings.

Ed was the only child of a single mother. As a child, he grew up believing that his mother and father were married and that his mother had lost the suitcase that contained all their wedding photos.

It wasn’t until he was 13-years-old that he found out it wasn’t true. When he was 14, his dad reached out to inform him that he was dying of cancer. Up until then, Ed hadn’t even known his dad’s name.

Ed’s mom took him out of school for a week, and they flew to Korea, where he finally met his dad for the first time.

On the day he was scheduled to meet his father, Ed and his mom waited for him to arrive in the lobby of a luxury hotel in Seoul. Suddenly, a man wearing expensive sunglasses and a flashy jacket walked up to him, with an assistant trailing behind.

That man was Ed’s father, and one of the first things he said to Ed was that his jacket was worth more than Ed’s entire wardrobe.

During the time they were at the hotel, he didn’t really say much else to Ed, except to mention that his family was one of the wealthiest in the country in an attempt to impress Ed.

Toward the end of their visit, his dad’s assistant reminded him to present Ed with the gift he had bought.

atiger – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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