
He’s Forcing His Teenage Daughters To Share A Bedroom, But They’re Accusing Him Of Stealing Their Privacy And Ruining Their Lives

baranq - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man has two teenage daughters, who are 13 and 15-years-old, and his family currently lives in a three-bedroom home. His daughters also used to have their own bedrooms; meanwhile, he and his wife had the master bedroom.

Unfortunately, his mother has been dealing with some health issues recently and is unable to take care of herself anymore. And since his mother didn’t have anyone else to live with, he offered to let her move in.

Now, the biggest problem was that they obviously didn’t have another bedroom to give to his mother.

So, he wound up making the tough decision of making his daughters share a bedroom. First, they gave his mother his 15-year-old daughter’s old room. Then, he and his wife moved into his 13-year-old daughter’s room.

This left the master bedroom unoccupied, allowing him and his wife to give their daughters that bedroom– the biggest room in the house– to share.

If you couldn’t have guessed, though, as soon as his daughters found out about the new living arrangement, they were really upset.

His daughters primarily complained about how they both needed privacy.

“And I get that it wasn’t fair, but I think giving them the master bedroom was a good enough compromise,” he said.

He also offered to install some privacy partitions in the bedroom. But, aside from that, there really wasn’t another solution.

baranq – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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