
His Aunt Got Offended When He Didn’t Share A Recipe That He Paid For With Her

fahrwasser - - illustrative purposes only

This 27-year-old man says he’s an amateur pastry maker, and he has no desire to make this hobby into a career.

That being said, he is invested enough in baking that he has enrolled in cooking classes. He also spends a significant amount of his free time baking various pies and cakes.

This past weekend, his mom hosted a lunch for their family at her house, so he decided to bring one of the pies that he made.

His 50-year-old aunt was at the lunch, and she enjoyed his pie so much that she texted him to request the recipe later on in the day.

“The thing is, this is not a recipe that’s publicly available (as far as I can tell), and I got it from one of the classes I took, which didn’t come cheap, and I’m still paying for [it],” he explained.

“So I told her this is a recipe I can’t share but offered to send her some similar ones I had tried.”

Since he had to pay so much money to enroll in this specific cooking class where he learned the recipe for the pie, he had no desire to hand it over to his aunt for free.

His aunt was not understanding of his position at all and got offended that he wasn’t willing to give her the recipe for the pie, as she had asked for.

His aunt also wanted to know why he was making such an enormous deal out of refusing to share the recipe.

fahrwasser – – illustrative purposes only

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