
She Asked A Mother And Son To Leave A Professional Ballet Performance Because The Little Boy Wouldn’t Stop Fussing And Being Disruptive The Entire Time

VIAR PRO studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A couple of weekends ago, this 17-year-old girl and her family attended The Nutcracker at McCaw Hall in Seattle.

This hall is famous and incredibly prestigious, and she and her family see a ballet performance there every year.

Before shows, the theater explains its rules to the audience, which include not using phones or recording videos.

Plus, the theater points out where their exits are if any audience members have to leave while the show is still going on.

When she and her family were seated, she was on the far-right side of the rest of her family members. Her sister was in the seat to her left, and a stranger was seated to her right.

The stranger was a woman who looked to be in her late 20s or early 30s, and she hurried in right as the lights were being dimmed before the performance started.

To the left of the woman, the rest of her family (her husband and two children) sat down as well.

The couple had a daughter who was probably around 8 years old, as well as a son who was about 3 or 4.

Luckily, the couple’s daughter was well-behaved during the show and was clearly excited. She thought it was pretty adorable that the couple’s daughter was wearing a crown on her head.

VIAR PRO studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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