
She Bought Her Daughter Fun School Supplies, But Another Mom Actually Took Them, And Said Not Everyone Is “Privileged And Rich” Like Her

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This woman is a stay-at-home mother, and she has a 6-year-old daughter. While staying home, she works for herself as a private financial advisor.

She built her career after she finished her schooling early. Her husband also earns an impressive salary at his job.

Unfortunately, she doesn’t feel like she’s bonded with the other mothers who have children at the school her daughter attends.

Because all of the students had been in the same class since they were in preschool, she figured that this was how the children’s mothers became such close friends.

Prior to the new school year, she made the decision to work shorter hours so that she had more time to focus on her daughter.

“When I was a kid, my mom never let me get the cool school supplies, just the cheap stuff. So, this year, I kind of went all-out with my daughter’s school supplies. I got sparkly gel pens, scented markers, retractable crayons, and glitter folders. My daughter was so excited to show all of her friends,” she said.

At the end of her daughter’s first week of the new school year, she drove to pick her up. Once her daughter was settled in the car, it was clear by the look on her face that she was hurt.

She asked her daughter why she was upset, and her daughter said that a parent named Beth, who volunteers to help in the classroom, took away her markers and crayons.

After hearing this, she asked her daughter why Beth took her school supplies away. Apparently, Beth claimed that it was unfair that her daughter had these nice supplies while other students didn’t, so she wasn’t allowed to use them.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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