
She Didn’t Allow Her Former Sister-In-Law To Use Her Nephew’s Trust Fund Money To Buy Her Other Kids Christmas Gifts

Julia Manga - - illustrative purposes only

If you’ve ever had to use a trust fund for money after a relative passed away, you know how complicated it can be.

One woman, who is in charge of signing off on her late brother’s trust fund withdrawals, recently told his late wife she couldn’t dip into it to buy her kids from another marriage Christmas presents.

She recently lost her brother, Dave, who left behind his wife Issy, their eight-year-old son Miles, and Issy’s 11-year-old twins, who she has from a previous marriage. 

“When Dave died, he left all his money in a trust structure for Miles,” she explained.

“Issy is only allowed to use the money to take care of Miles, and in order to access any of the money, Issy must have my written agreement, or the trustees will not release funds. This money pays for Miles’s prep school.”

Since Dave passed, there have been several instances where Issy would request money from the trust that she claimed would be for Miles but used it to buy things for her other two kids, which affected the trust she had in her sister-in-law.

She began buying things for Miles using her own money since she knew Issy was often “extorting” Dave’s trust fund money.

Recently, Issy called her to ask to take money out of the trust and said she wanted to be honest about why she needed it.

“She said she had no money after bills and other expenses to buy Christmas presents for her kids this year and wanted to use some of Miles’s money to do so,” she recalled.

Julia Manga – – illustrative purposes only

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