
She Doesn’t Know Who The Father Of Her Baby Is, So She Turned To TikTok To Find Him

Photo 140614709 © Chernetskaya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

One-night stands are obviously meant to be over after one night of fun. When the deed is done, both parties never see each other again.

But in some cases, things don’t go according to plan, and the woman winds up with a bun in the oven.

TikToker Brooke (@brookemcguire43) is asking the internet to help her reach the man who got her pregnant during a one-night stand. Her video blew up, amassing over 13.1 million views.

In late April of 2022, she got pregnant by a man named Ceru. She does not know his last name. Ever since then, they have not been in contact with each other.

They met on Bumble in Acworth, Georgia. Ceru is Salvadoran and has dark hair, tattoos, and one dimple on his cheek.

“I am searching for him to let him know that he has a daughter,” she wrote on one of the slides in her video. Her daughter is named Lillyana.

In response to numerous questions about her situation, Brooke further explained the circumstances of how she came to meet Ceru in a follow-up video.

So, the day her daughter was conceived was supposed to be a meet-up to gauge whether or not Ceru would be a good fit for a roommate.

However, their meeting turned into something a little more intimate. After they had hooked up, Brooke simply thought that she had made a stupid mistake and nothing would come of it.

Photo 140614709 © Chernetskaya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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