
A Guy Picked Her Up For A Dinner Date In A T-Shirt While She Was Dressed To The Nines, And She Made Him Turn Around And Drop Her Off At Home

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

We’ve all been there—excitedly anticipating a night out with someone new, but when it finally happens, we end up sorely disappointed by their lackluster company.

One woman, fed up with being treated poorly, decided to take matters into her own hands and ditch her date for an upgrade.

TikToker @therealsahd is sharing an important message about how you should keep your options open and never settle for less when dating.

After a guy failed to put effort into their date, she canceled on him and found another guy willing to treat her right in almost no time at all.

So, she had been talking to this guy for a few weeks and finally decided it was time to meet up with him. They made plans to go on a date.

On the day of the date, she happened to be extremely busy, but she didn’t want to cancel their plans because she already had to cancel them before. She did her best to finish all her tasks to make it to their date on time.

Before the date, they had been talking about what kind of food to eat. She told him to book any place he wanted, expecting that the establishment would be at least somewhat classy. She had spent all day getting ready for the date.

She got her hair and nails done, bought a new dress, and even got a lymphatic massage. She wanted to make a really good first impression.

Also, whenever she went on dates, she was wary of guys who wouldn’t open doors for her because she took that as a sign of them lacking basic etiquette.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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