
All The Subtle Ways You Can Use Wallpaper To Make A Statement In Your Home, Not Overwhelm Your Space - - illustrative purposes only

Wallpaper is a trendy way to add character to a room. It offers color, texture, patterns, and personality that can transform any space from dull and lifeless to bright and stimulating. The most classic use of wallpaper is to cover all four walls with it.

But if you’re not comfortable with pasting punchy patterns throughout an entire room, there are more subtle ways you can incorporate this versatile design element into your home decor.

From accent walls to unexpected nooks and crannies, your home has numerous areas in which wallpaper can be infused. Here are some creative ways you can harness the power of wallpaper to make a statement and achieve a stunning aesthetic that reflects your style without going overboard.

Line The Back Of Shelving

Wallpaper can be used to line the back of your shelf space to create a sophisticated display. Shiny, metallic wallpaper paired with silver candleholders and polished vases can make a bookshelf look elaborate and artistic.

Additionally, wallpaper can provide an elegant backdrop in a kitchen cabinet space with glass doors. What better way to make simple tableware stand out?

Hang Wallpaper On The Ceiling

Experiment with something outside the box by hanging wallpaper on the ceiling. Most people often forget about the ceiling when it comes to interior design. A floral pattern on the ceiling imparts a more romantic feel to the space.

To balance out the look, keep your walls a solid neutral color. You might want to consider hiring a professional for this particular project since the ceiling is a surface that is pretty hard to reach. – – illustrative purposes only

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