
Her Sister-In-Law Ruined Her Son’s Birthday Dinner Because He Chose A Sushi Restaurant, And Her Sister-In-Law Pretended To Throw Up And Caused A Scene

karepa - - illustrative purposes only

Doesn’t it bother you when people rag on or complain about a certain kind of food for ridiculous reasons, making it harder for you to make dinner plans with them?

One woman was fed up after her sister-in-law ruined her son’s family birthday dinner because he chose an Asian restaurant, as she claims it made her sick. 

Her son recently turned 11 and wanted to go out for sushi for his birthday dinner, which happened the night before the Super Bowl.

“I made reservations at a local sushi place, [then] found out my in-laws were coming into town, and they wanted to get together, so I invited them along,” she explained.

“My sister-in-law hates any food that is of any Asian origin, [as she] says it gives her migraines, and in the past, she’d usually decline going out if we did not accommodate her. [But] we almost always accommodated her.”

When she found out her sister-in-law wanted to come to the birthday dinner, she asked her son if he’d rather eat somewhere else, and he said no, that he really wanted sushi. She wanted her son to eat what he wanted on his special day, so she informed her in-laws where they’d be going and told them to join only if they wanted to.

She also told her in-laws that if she didn’t see them at her son’s birthday dinner, she’d see them for the Super Bowl the next day.

A few days passed, and on the day of her son’s birthday dinner, her sister-in-law called her and asked her to change the restaurant. She said no and sent her sister-in-law the menu so she could see if there was anything on it she’d want to eat.

“She again complained about the likelihood of getting a migraine,” she recalled.

karepa – – illustrative purposes only

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