
She Just Found Out Her Guy Friend’s Girlfriend Has Been Having An Affair And Wants To Tell Him, But She’s Afraid Of Breaking His Heart

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 21-year-old woman and Ryan, 22, have known each other since infancy, and they’ve been lifelong best friends. He’s always been one of her most supportive friends.

Ryan has been in a relationship with Skylar, 21, since they were 15. Over the years, she’s gotten along well with Skylar and considers her a good friend.

Earlier today, Skylar called her in tears to see if she had time to chat. It was obvious that Skylar was struggling emotionally, so she was concerned about hearing what she had to say.

During their conversation, Skylar expressed that she felt regretful about her relationship with Ryan, and worried she was inhibiting him from a better life.

She was shocked by this because, from her perspective, Ryan and Skylar were perfect and happy together. When she questioned Skylar about if she’d spoken to Ryan with these feelings, she said no and that she wouldn’t know where to begin with her thoughts.

Then, Skylar confessed to cheating on Ryan for the last two years. She was stunned and didn’t know why Skylar suddenly felt compelled to confess this to her, and they both were sobbing.

“Skylar begged me not to tell Ryan and started saying that she just needed to ‘tell a trusted friend’ because she couldn’t bear the guilt anymore,” she said.

In response, she assured Skylar she wouldn’t say anything and abruptly hung up the phone. Skylar repeatedly called her, but she didn’t answer because she was trying to get up the guts to call Ryan and tell him that Skylar had been cheating on him, but she chickened out.

“I know how much he loves her, and I know that he was planning on proposing to her,” she explained.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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