
She’s A Single Mother Opening Up About How To Manage Resentment And Regulate Overwhelming Emotions As A Solo Parent

C Coetzee/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Single mothers are under a lot of stress because they often have to bear the weight of sole responsibility. The challenges they face on a daily basis can take quite a toll on their emotional well-being.

Life as a single mom is filled with ups and downs that may lead to moments of anger, frustration, and resentment.

Addressing these emotions will help with the healing process and forge a future that’s more hopeful and positive.

TikToker Amber Henry (@amberhenryy) is discussing how to manage feelings of resentment as a single mother. She also shares some helpful tips and strategies for regulating these emotions.

First of all, Amber emphasizes that bitterness and resentment are common emotions for single moms to experience.

There is no right way to feel about a situation, so the sooner you accept your feelings, the sooner you can overcome them.

She then gave an example of a time when she felt an overwhelming bubble of resentment toward her child’s father for having to carry the burden of childcare all by herself. On day three of trying to potty train her daughter, she started to get extremely frustrated.

She felt that it was a two-person job, yet she was doing it all on her own, with a huge lack of support from a partner, which was completely unfair.

That anger is understandable and valid. However, if left unchecked, it can be destructive and negatively affect your parenting abilities.

C Coetzee/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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