
While She Was Living With Her College Roommates, They Held A Seance And Summoned A Ghost Named Claire That Continued To Spook Them For Months

But while they lived there, they took the two bedrooms on the main floor, both just off the living room and the bathroom between their bedrooms.

The three women moved into the house in August before the fall semester began. In October, they got in the Halloween spirit by holding a seance.

In hindsight, it wasn’t a smart idea. But they all agreed that the ghost in their house was named Claire.

They kept all the windows closed, lit a candle, and during the seance, they asked Claire tons of yes or no questions.

Without any of them doing it, the candle moved on its own in different directions in response to their questions.

From then on, spooky things started happening. For her, the experiences were irritating, and her best friend was terrified by her own encounters with Claire.

Strangely, everything occurred on the main floor of the house, so the third woman didn’t witness anything since she was upstairs.

“My friend would experience sleep paralysis frequently and wake up to a woman sitting on top of her or see her standing in the corner, near her closet. The sink in the bathroom between our rooms would turn on and off all night. For me, she would open my door and get into bed with me,” she explained.

When this first started happening, she assumed it was just the third woman’s cat coming into her room to sleep in her bed.

She didn’t even realize it was Claire, the ghost, entering her bedroom during the night. Over time, she noticed she felt the weight of a person in bed next to her. Whenever she turned over to look, there wasn’t anyone in the bed with her.

A moment after turning back around, she would feel the weight of a person scooting closer to her in the bed.

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