
He Bought His Son A MacBook For School, And Now His Ex-Wife Is Calling Him Unfair And Demanding He Buy Her Other Son A New Laptop, Too

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This man and his ex-wife had a son, who is now 12-years-old before they ultimately got divorced a couple of years ago. Since then, both he and his ex-wife have moved on, and his ex has even found a new partner– with whom she has an 8-year-old son.

“We’ve been co-parenting pretty smoothly, all things considered,” he said.

More recently, though, he realized that his son desperately needed a new laptop for school. Apparently, his son takes academics very seriously, and his son’s old laptop just wasn’t working well enough anymore.

So, since he recently came into some money, he decided to surprise his son with a brand-new MacBook.

“Something my son’s wanted for ages because of the graphic design stuff he’s into,” he explained.

However, once his ex-wife found out about the purchase, she was actually furious. In fact, she’s even now demanding that he also buy her other child a MacBook while accusing him of being unfair!

Now, he understands that his ex wanted to keep things equal since the boys are half-brothers. But his ex’s son is not his biological child, and the kid doesn’t even need a laptop to complete schoolwork yet.

“Plus, the MacBook was a big investment, specifically for my son’s interests and school needs,” he added.

That’s why he wound up telling his ex that he was happy to help out with other necessities for her other son, as he always does.

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