
Her Grandparents Have Been Harassing Her Mom To Take In Her Late Dad’s Affair Child

Andriy Medvediuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Five years ago, this 18-year-old girl’s mom and dad got divorced after her mom discovered her dad was cheating and got his affair partner pregnant.

Her dad begged her mom to stay with him, saying he would refuse to be in the affair child’s life or that if her mom wanted, they could raise that child together, whatever her mom preferred.

Her dad then tried to rope her and her younger siblings into all of this drama, and they all firmly said they didn’t want anything to do with his affair child.

Her mom went forward with the divorce, and in court, she said she wanted her mom to have full custody of her, which was granted.

As for her siblings, they spent a few years spending time with their dad but then said they didn’t want to visit him anymore.

“In that time, Dad had moved in with the affair partner but tried to use my siblings to get Mom and him back together,” she explained.

“They didn’t want that to happen and mom was furious at him for using the kids. His youngest daughter was born around that time. I never met her, but my siblings did, though they never formed a relationship with her.”

“Dad’s affair partner left and hasn’t been a part of his daughter’s life since. Dad died 14 weeks ago. His daughter went to live with my paternal grandparents, who we don’t really see because they were angry at Mom for the divorce, and they felt we were too hard on Dad, who didn’t just cheat but tried to use his kids to keep his marriage together.”

Just one week after her dad’s passing, her grandparents contacted her mom to ask that she take in her dad’s affair child and raise the little girl as her own.

Andriy Medvediuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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