
He Publicly Called Out A Mom For Holding Her Newborn Baby The Wrong Way While Standing In Line To Order A Burger

Jacob Lund - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Pretty recently, this guy stopped at a burger place and got in line to place his order. As soon as he stepped to the front of the restaurant, he instantly saw a mom standing in line ahead of him, holding her newborn daughter.

The little baby was sobbing, and he didn’t think too much about it. He does not have children of his own, but he knows little kids sometimes cry.

“It wasn’t until the mother leaned against the wall that I got a better view of what was actually happening,” he explained.

“She was holding the baby with one arm, horizontally across it, using the other to scroll on her phone.”

“I get being a mother is a difficult job, and again I don’t have any kids, but I just assumed it was common knowledge that when you hold a baby, it is essential to support the head, neck, and back simultaneously.”

As he said, the mom standing in front of him was only using one arm to support her baby’s back while the baby’s legs and head were hanging down toward the ground.

He was horrified that this woman was not paying any attention to her child’s safety or comfort and instead was ignoring her baby for the videos she was watching on her phone.

Initially, he was not going to say a word, but as he kept standing there and the seconds went on, the baby cried louder and more intensely.

“It was clear she was in pain, and the mother seemed not to notice at all,” he said. “Finally, after about 3 minutes, I decided to say something.”

Jacob Lund – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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