
His Girlfriend Cheated On Him, And He Was Able To Forgive Her, But When She Refused To Stop Being Friends With Her Affair Partner, He Finally Decided To Pull The Plug On Their Relationship

4Max - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

How would you feel if you discovered your partner cheated on you and then later told you they still wanted to be ‘friends’ with the person they cheated on you with?

One man recently broke up with his girlfriend because she cheated on him with a friend of hers and demanded that she still be allowed to stay friends with the guy.

His ex-girlfriend had a guy friend she knew before he started dating her. He was never a fan of her friend, as he always had an attitude and made it clear he didn’t like him.

Recently, he found out that for three months, his ex-girlfriend was cheating on him. To make matters worse, she was cheating on him with her guy friend.

“I chose to forgive her because I understand that we all make mistakes,” he said.

“I told her she couldn’t be friends [with him] anymore. She agreed, and we moved on. Things were great, is what I thought, at least. A month passed by, and she called me controlling for telling her she couldn’t be friends with him anymore. She cried and said it was not my choice. I get that. You can be friends with whoever you want, but when you cheat on your partner with a friend, it’s different.”

Because his ex was so upset, he decided to tell her she could still be friends with the guy she cheated with. However, he came to regret that very quickly.

Anytime his ex brought up her guy friend, he would feel triggered, and their friendship messed with him mentally. Whenever he asked his ex if she would stop being friends with this guy, she’d get defensive and angry, telling him he was controlling and disrespectful.

“She told me I needed therapy and that after therapy, their friendship wouldn’t bother me,” he recalled.

4Max – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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