
His Girlfriend Insisted They Were “Just Friends,” So He Hooked Up With Another Girl In Their Shared Apartment

But, after he groveled and apologized repeatedly, Amanda finally forgave him and agreed to become his “official” girlfriend. That was six months ago, and they’ve been exclusively dating ever since.

However, whenever the situation comes up in conversation, both Amanda and her friends always accuse him of being “out of line” for hooking up with another woman.

In fact, they claim that he and Amanda were “clearly more than just friends,” even though Amanda always shot down his requests for a relationship.

“But I figured since she kept insisting we were just friends, I was free to see other people,” he vented.

Still, with both his now-exclusive girlfriend and her friends ridiculing him, he can’t help but wonder if hooking up with another girl before they were official was really a jerky move.

How would you feel if your partner refused to acknowledge and make your relationship official? Was it cheating in this situation or not? What advice would you give him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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