
Animal Prints Are Back In Style, So Here Are All The Ways You Can Incorporate Zebra Print Into Your Home Decor

oksana_bondar - - illustrative purposes only

For the last few years, a select group of fashionistas and decorators have declared animal print dated and corny. Gone were the days of wearing a leopard print jumpsuit or getting a set of cheetah print throw pillows for your bed.

However, with certain aesthetics and vibes like the “mob wife aesthetic” starting to trend, people are falling back in love with the look and uniqueness of animal prints on clothes, accessories, decor, etc.!

One of the greatest animal prints to look at is zebra print. Those black and white stripes are mesmerizing and perfect for those who enjoy more geometric prints than spontaneous ones.

Zebra print looks great on clothes, but it also adds something fun and exciting to home decor. If wearing zebra print isn’t for you, but you’d like to explore how you could incorporate it into your home’s aesthetic, here are some tips!

A zebra-print rug

You can have a zebra print rug without supporting animal poaching and creeping people out with a zebra hide replica. There are ways to have a zebra print rug people can enjoy versus get weirded out by.

You can add a small, fuzzy zebra print rug to a room in your house or a rectangular zebra-shaped living room rug that takes up more room. It’s a great way to fill some empty space.

Zebra wallpaper

While having the pure zebra stripes across an entire wall could be a bit much, you can scour the internet for wallpaper with some zebra infusion.

oksana_bondar – – illustrative purposes only

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