
Here’s How To Spot, Treat, And Prevent Root Rot To Keep It From Wreaking Havoc On Your Plants

You can look out for wilting leaves, yellowing or browning, stunted growth, and a general appearance of unhealthiness despite proper care.

The definitive test, however, is to check the roots themselves. You can gently remove the plant from its pot and inspect the roots. If they’re slimy, discolored, and fall apart easily, root rot is likely the issue.

Treating Root Rot

Now, if you catch it early, you can actually save a plant from root rot. You should start by removing the plant from its pot and washing the roots under running water.

Then, trim away all the rotten roots with a clean, sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears, leaving only healthy tissue behind. Also, be sure to disinfect the shears after use to prevent spreading the fungus.

Afterward, repot the plant in a fresh, sterile potting mix and a clean pot, ideally one that ensures good drainage.

In the beginning, you should also water sparingly to avoid recreating conditions favorable to rot.

Preventing Future Outbreaks

The best way to combat root rot is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

One way to keep your garden root rot-free is by adjusting your watering schedule. After all, overwatering is the leading cause of root rot.

So, make sure you’re not watering your plants too frequently, allow the topsoil to dry out between waterings, and use pots with drainage holes.

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