
You Might Now Naturally Get The Urge To Dust, Scrub, And Mop Every April, But This Is Where The Tradition Of “Spring Cleaning” Really Comes From

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Every April, we all get the urge to dust, scrub, mop, and generally just refresh our homes. We all know this ancient tradition as the practice of spring cleaning.

But have you ever wondered how the tradition began or where the impulse to clean comes from? Well, here’s a bit of history to mull over while you’re decluttering and reorganizing your home this spring.

Spring cleaning involves deep cleaning your house from floor to ceiling. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when and how the annual custom arose, but it is thought to have roots in biblical times.

In Jewish tradition, housecleaning is part of the celebration of Passover, which takes place in March or April. The holiday marks the freeing of Jews from slavery in Egypt. Before the holiday arrives, any traces of leavened bread products are removed from the home.

In Christian custom, the Catholics clean their homes and the church altar the day before Good Friday, which is also usually in March or April.

Furthermore, the Persian New Year, Nowruz, coincides with the first day of spring, and the celebration involves deep cleaning the home before the festivities begin.

Additionally, Songkran, a festival held in honor of the Thai New Year in April, is all about washing away the misfortunes of the past year and welcoming a fresh start. Houses, offices, schools, and other public spaces are cleaned during this time.

Aside from religious and cultural purposes, spring cleaning has its practicalities, too. During the 1800s, homes were lit with kerosene or whale oil and heated with coal or wood in the winter.

As a result, grime and soot were plastered on every surface of the house. Springtime brings warmer weather, allowing the windows to be opened. The fresh air helps clear away the soot.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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