
Her Husband’s Married Brother Keeps Hitting On Her, And It’s Causing Drama In The Family

Andriy Medvediuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 29-year-old woman says that she is pretty attractive by society’s standards, and she was gifted with a large chest.

Due to her looks, she’s always getting attention she doesn’t want from men, and her husband’s 40-year-old brother is no exception.

She thinks it’s important to note that she never wears outfits that reveal anything, and she also doesn’t like to wear a lot of makeup as she doesn’t want to go around drawing even more attention to herself. But she does enjoy getting dressed up for parties or weddings.

Now, her 33-year-old husband has an older brother who used to live in another country but moved home a year ago.

As soon as her brother-in-law moved back and began coming around to family functions, he’s been making her uneasy.

“He makes inappropriate comments regarding my looks, stares at me, stands too close, and is overall creepy,” she explained.

“Recently, he started sending me funny pictures and videos on Messenger. I don’t like it, but I did not make a scene because, on paper, it does look like a normal thing for a BIL to do.”

She brought her worries to her husband, and he promised to talk to his brother, yet pointed out he’s always been a jerk.

She’s forced to see her brother-in-law once a month at a minimum since he and his wife live with her husband’s parents.

Andriy Medvediuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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