
In 1992, A Teenage Girl Showed Up At Her Lover’s Home, Tried To Expose His Affair, And Shot His Wife, Earning Her Seven Years In Prison And The Title Of “Long Island Lolita”

karamysh - - illustrative purposes only

In 1992, a 17-year-old girl named Amy Fisher showed up at her lover’s house with ill intentions. After confronting her lover’s wife about the affair they were having, Amy shot her. She spent seven years in prison for her crime and became known as the “Long Island Lolita.”

Amy Fisher met Joey Buttafuoco in 1990 after taking her car to his auto shop for repairs. She had just turned 16. He was 20 years older than her and was married.

When they met, Amy had already experienced a lot of trauma and claimed that she was abused growing up. She also often cut class and forged her report cards.

By the summer of 1991, Amy and Joey were having an affair. About a year later, she visited the Buttafuoco house in Massapequa, New York, bringing along a t-shirt from Joey’s auto shop and a .25-caliber semiautomatic pistol.

On May 19, 1992, she rang the doorbell of the Buttafuoco home. Joey’s wife, Mary Jo, answered the door.

Amy introduced herself as Anne Marie and told her that Joey was being unfaithful. She made up a story about how he was having an affair with her little sister and showed Mary Jo the t-shirt as proof.

However, Mary Jo didn’t believe her. She dismissed Amy and turned to go back inside. That was when Amy attacked. She struck Mary Jo in the head with the pistol and then shot her in the right temple.

Afterward, Amy fled the scene of the crime. Mary Jo was rushed to the hospital, and the doctors saved her life. One side of her face was left partially paralyzed, and she was deaf in one ear, but she was still able to provide an accurate description of her assailant.

Joey recognized the t-shirt that Amy had brought to the house and admitted that he had given it to Amy’s father, so she was most likely the shooter.

karamysh – – illustrative purposes only

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