Her Boyfriend Has Been Rejecting Her For Months, So She Said They Need To Break Up If He Doesn’t Want To Sleep With Her

Few things feel worse than when your partner, who you basically share your life with, physically rejects you several times.
One woman’s boyfriend has been rejecting her for months without explanation, and she had to give him an ultimatum – either they break up, or he gives her the explanation she deserves.
She is 21, and her boyfriend is 26-years-old. They’ve been together for a little over a year, and she’s very much in love with him. For a while, their relationship was great, and they were very supportive and affectionate with each other.
However, after her boyfriend became sick with what she believed was COVID in February, everything changed. He became very ill and lost around ten pounds. While he was experiencing symptoms for a few weeks, they didn’t sleep together. But once he was all better, that continued, and they hadn’t slept together since before he got sick.
“Even on our one-year anniversary, he was better, but no [sleeping together],” she explained.
“I was slightly confused, but I let it go. After that, every single time I tried to initiate [something], he rejected me. At first, it was a gentle rejection that didn’t hurt me too much. Then [he’d say] ‘Stop; not right now,’ with zero effort or communication as to why.”
She was left feeling extremely confused when her boyfriend suddenly stopped sleeping with her. She hadn’t changed physically in the last few months, and he kept telling her how beautiful she was. He’ll kiss her, and things will get pretty steamy, but the moment she tries to take things further, he rejects her and puts an end to it.
“Last week, after yet another rejection, I broke down crying [and] I asked him why he was being this way with me,” she remembered.
“I asked him if he wasn’t attracted to me anymore or if he was getting it elsewhere. He told me all of that was wrong, and he seemed very, very apologetic, but yet again, no explanation as to why he’s being like this.”

Northern life – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
The following morning, she confronted her boyfriend and told him that if he continued to refuse to sleep with her, they’d need to rethink their relationship.
She told him if he didn’t want her anymore, he’d have to stop playing games with her and break up with her.
“He was so offended and angry with me, [and] ended up calling me unfair and immature,” she added.
“He slammed the door on his way out. We haven’t talked much since then, but he’s apologized and been adamant that he doesn’t want to break up.”
What would you do if you were in her position?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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