Here’s How You Can Be A Better Listener To Make Your Loved Ones Feel More Appreciated And Understood

One of the best skills a person can have is good listening skills.
These days, it’s very important to speak your mind when something is bothering or confusing you, and it’s just as important to be a good listener.
When we’re not good listeners for the people we love, they may feel unappreciated or understood, which defeats the purpose of getting something off our chests.
If you’ve been told you should be a better listener, don’t feel too bad. You don’t have to be a bad listener forever, and there are ways to improve your listening skills so you can help the people you love.
Here are a few things you can do to be a better listener.
Eliminate all distractions
There are few things more disrespectful than paying attention to something else while someone is talking to you. Whether a friend or relative wants to tell you about something silly, exciting, or serious, do what you can to eliminate distractions. Turn your TV off, put your phone in your pocket, and focus on them.
Pay attention to their body language
Body language tells us a lot about what someone is going through, so it’s worth paying attention to. The person you’re listening to could be telling you one thing, but their body language could indicate something else. Make sure you pay attention to their facial expressions, their lack or increase of eye contact, hands, legs, etc.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Be empathetic
Sometimes, listening to someone can be difficult when you do not empathize with them. That can happen, as everyone is different, and not every situation is relatable. To practice empathy, try putting yourself in that person’s shoes and see the world from their perspective. This will make their experience talking to you a lot better.
Let them know you’re listening
It can get uncomfortable when you’re talking to someone, and they don’t react to what you’re saying at all. To reassure your loved one that you’re listening, maintain eye contact and chime in occasionally, responding to their story, asking questions, etc.
Ask for clarification if needed
I hate it when someone is telling me a story, and I get lost and feel too anxious to ask them to clarify something. It’s easy to forget what they’re talking about when that happens and lose your good listening skills. If someone is explaining something to you and you get confused or can’t hear them properly, ask them to elaborate or rephrase what they’re saying.
Again, if you don’t have the greatest listening skills, there are ways to improve them. Once you get better at listening, your loved ones will appreciate you even more than they already do. So get out there and put those tips to use!
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