Silence Is Actually Good For You, And Here Are A Few Reasons Why

Carlos David - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Carlos David - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Are you someone who cannot stand sitting in silence? Do you feel like you need constant stimulation, even when you’re running around and trying to complete tasks?

For instance, I know a few people who still need their televisions on to fall asleep. I also know others who can’t go for a quick walk around their neighborhood without music blasting through their headphones.

On the one hand, I understand the unease that silence can bring. It can be uncomfortable, forcing us to confront our thoughts. But it’s also a space that can offer relief, a moment of peace in our busy lives.

It can also be difficult to enjoy silence if you’re particularly stressed out or upset about something, and the lack of stimulation causes you to keep thinking about it.

However, silence can sometimes give us a really beautiful opportunity to relax, reset, meditate, etc. There are also some great benefits to embracing silence.

So, if you feel as though you could use some experience to get used to silence, here are some of those benefits.

You can gain mental clarity

When we’re juggling a lot of responsibilities and busy schedules, it can feel like our brains are filled with constant noise.

We’re listening to the radio, watching television, and listening to our friends and family, all to the point where it can be hard to make decisions for ourselves.

Carlos David – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Sitting in silence is like hitting an “off” button. It can help us remove that extra “noise” and be able to gain mental clarity, therefore helping us make better decisions for our well-being.

You can learn to be okay with boredom

I think one of the scariest parts about living in a digital age is that many of us cannot stand being bored. If we’re stuck on the subway, we go on our phones.

If we have a long drive, we listen to hours of podcasts. If we’re standing on a street corner, waiting for a ‘walk’ signal, we’re checking our social media.

Spending some time in silence can help us adjust to boredom and duller moments, making us less anxious when we don’t have something to constantly entertain us.

It can de-stress us

While we may think that keeping ourselves distracted with all sorts of noise, like videos, music, etc., will help us with any stress, it actually makes it worse. Sitting in silence and clearing our minds does much more for us in terms of de-stressing than surrounding ourselves with noisy distractions.

It helps us physically

While silence has so many benefits for our mental health, it’s also great for our physical health! Studies have shown that sitting in silence can help lower your blood pressure and relieve tension in the body. And these days, we could all use a little relief from tension.

So, the next time you’re sitting alone at home or sitting in a very quiet, public space and are tempted to turn on the TV or scroll through TikTok, try taking a handful of minutes to sit in silence.

You can close your eyes and meditate or simply stare into space. See what comes to mind and see if any of these benefits hit you right away. Enjoy the sounds of silence, my friends.

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