On A Fourth Date With A Guy, He Pointed Out Her Acne And Said It Looked Terrible

wayhome.studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
wayhome.studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old woman from Connecticut met a 26-year-old guy on a dating app, and they have gone out on four dates.

She says he has always been kind and complimentary of her. He also appears to be interested in her.

In between their dates, they do a lot of online activities with one another, and she thought everything was moving in the right direction.

But then he did something on their latest date that has her questioning if she ever wants to see him again.

“…I was talking about how I’m glad I didn’t put on makeup today because my acne didn’t look bad, and he proceeded to say it looked bad and pointed to the ones on my face that stood out,” she explained.

“I was so shocked in the moment all I could say was that’s really messed up. He kept apologizing, but it ruined the date for me, and I just wanted to go home. He said he wanted to see me again.”

This guy sat across the table from her at dinner that evening and literally pointed out every spot on her face.

While she does want to date someone who’s honest as opposed to a liar, she feels that it was cruel and insensitive of him.

If this guy had done this after agreeing to be in a serious relationship, it wouldn’t have bothered her so much, but they’re still in the beginning stages of getting to know one another.

wayhome.studio – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Additionally, this guy is aware of the fact that she’s incredibly insecure about her acne, which leaves her wondering why he would call attention to it and make her feel worse.

She’s not sure if she should go out on another date with this guy after he offended her, and when she thinks about what he did, she just gets angry.

She’s left wondering if she’s overreacting since everything was going great between them before this moment on date four.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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