She Left A Girls’ Night Sleepover After Her Friend Invited Some Guys To Stay The Night, Too, And It Made Her Uncomfortable

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DragonImages - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

When you and your friends say you’re going to have a “girls’ night,” that typically means no boys are allowed.

Girls’ night becomes a lot more valuable once you and your friends get older and enter relationships, as that time to bond with only your girlfriends is important.

One woman recently left what was supposed to be a “girls’ night” sleepover with her friends after one of them invited a bunch of guys at the last minute.

She’s 26 and has a group of girlfriends around the same age. She’s been with her boyfriend, Tom, for three years but still likes to reserve the occasional night out for “girls’ night.”

“Last Friday, I had a much-anticipated girls’ night out with my close friends at my friend Sarah’s house,” she explained.

“The plan was to catch up, watch movies, and have a sleepover, just like we used to do in college. Everything was going great until around midnight when Sarah mentioned she invited some of her male friends over to join us.”

“I wasn’t thrilled about this because I had expected it to be just us girls. Shortly after, the guys arrived, and the atmosphere changed. They were nice enough, but it wasn’t the cozy, all-girls vibe I was looking forward to.”

When she realized Sarah’s guy friends were likely going to sleep over as well, she became uncomfortable, not only because it was supposed to be a night with just the girls, but because she and Tom prefer to avoid sleepovers with anyone of the opposite gender.

Trying not to cause a scene, she quietly pulled Sarah aside and told her she didn’t feel comfortable with the last-minute change of plans and was heading home before bedtime.

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“She looked annoyed and told me I was overreacting and being too rigid,” she recalled.

“I apologized but insisted that I needed to leave. The next day, Sarah sent me a long message saying she was hurt and felt judged by my actions.”

“She accused me of being a prude and implied that I didn’t trust her judgment. I tried explaining my reasons again, but she stopped responding to my messages and hasn’t spoken to me since.”

Her friend group is now split, with some of them believing she should’ve stayed at the sleepover and others validating her feelings.

Did she do the right thing by leaving the sleepover, or was it over the top?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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