She Plans To Rent Her Own Apartment And Tell Her Boyfriend To Move Back In With His Mom

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who is 29, have been together for five years now. And at first, they originally decided to move in with her boyfriend’s family in order to save money.

Plus, his parents were fine with it since they wanted their son close by.

Eventually, though, her boyfriend’s parents wound up moving to Florida. So, she and her boyfriend were forced to relocate.

“And we moved in with my parents in Arizona because he wasn’t ready to get his own place yet,” she recalled.

That was two years ago, and at the time, moving in with her parents was a fine idea. But now, despite the fact that she loves her family, she is really ready to take the next step and get her own place. She’s especially looking forward to not having to share a bathroom anymore.

Yet, every time she broaches the topic of moving out, her boyfriend starts making up “excuses” as to why they aren’t ready to get their own place yet.

He also won’t tell her how much money he has saved in the bank and refuses to look at any of the apartments she’s found – even though they are affordable.

“I found some cheap places, and if we split the rent evenly, it would be $500 each, and he says that it would be too much,” she explained.

“I’m frustrated because there’s no reason for us to continue to live with our parents.”

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

So, she’s become sick and tired of waiting for her boyfriend to be “ready” and finally put her foot down. More specifically, she told her boyfriend that she planned to apply for an apartment this weekend.

Then, if he was not ready to move out, she would move into the new apartment by herself, and he would have to move back in with his mother.

“Because I can’t keep putting my life on hold because he isn’t ready,” she vented.

Still, she can’t help but wonder if renting her own apartment would be a jerky move and if she should just keep waiting until her boyfriend is ready to get their own place.

Can you understand why her boyfriend’s reluctance to move out of her parent’s house at nearly 30 years old is bothersome to her? Should she move forward with getting her own apartment? What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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