Her Sister Moved In And Expects Her To Rehome Her Beloved Pet Snakes

New Africa  - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
New Africa - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When someone moves into your space because they’re going through a hard time, they need to be respectful of your things and even your pets.

One woman has been arguing with her sister, who moved into her home with her young kid, and now expects her to rehome her beloved pet snakes.

She’s 29 and has loved snakes ever since she was a little girl. As she got older, she became a ‘snake mom’ and is extremely passionate about their care.

“They are the most fascinating creatures to me,” she said.

“I was never able to have them because of my family, but since I bought my own home, I was able to realize my dreams. I have seven snakes; some of them are large constrictors.”

Recently, her 34-year-old sister ran into some financial troubles and asked to move into her home with her three-year-old son.

She said yes, and things were going well for the most part until her sister claimed to have an issue with the snakes.

“All [my snakes] are in very secure enclosures with double locks, and I purchased a lock for the room they’re in, so there’s no way my nephew can get inside the room,” she explained.

“My sister is not comfortable with the snakes. She’s worried about her son, I understand that, but she knew I had them when she asked to stay with me.”

New Africa – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Yesterday, my sister sat me down and asked me to get rid of my snakes. She said it’s too big of a risk for them to be in the same house as a young child.”

She lost her temper and told her sister that she should move somewhere else if she didn’t like her pet snakes or how things work in her home.

She feels her sister’s complaints are ridiculous, especially because she’s more than capable of getting a second job and making enough money to get a new place with her son.

She doesn’t feel much sympathy for her, as most of her financial issues were brought on by herself and were avoidable.

“I’m not going to rehome my pets because of her,” she added.

“I like my nephew, but I chose not to have kids because I don’t like being around them for long. I don’t like them living here, as [they’re] loud, and I no longer have privacy. But they’re family.”

She keeps reminding her sister that living in her home is only temporary, as she wants to return to being on her own and refuses to rehome her snakes.

Is she being reasonable or choosing her snakes over her sister?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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