Survive A Heat Wave While Still Looking Your Best With These Style Tips

Victoria Fox - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Victoria Fox - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Summertime is finally here; for many of us ladies, it’s a season we’ve been waiting for. Beach trips, nights out, adventures, outdoor dining, etc., are all on the docket, and we’re ready to let loose and have fun.

However, it also means that the heat is going to kick in soon, and for many, that’s the worst part of the summer.

While it’s nice to enjoy the warm weather and spend more time outside, the increase in temperature can be especially rough for those of us prone to sweating.

I’m not just talking about a light layer of sweat that forms across your forehead after taking a little walk in the sun. I’m talking about when you try to go for a fun night out with your girlfriends, and the outdoor heat and humidity have you dripping in sweat before you even hit the dancefloor.

If you’re prone to sweating profusely in the summertime and are tired of it ruining not only your appearance but also your vibe, here are some tips for keeping you cool and less bogged down by the heat.

Be mindful of the fabrics you wear

It’s no secret that certain fabrics can make us sweat more than others, which is why, in the summertime, you want to be mindful of what your summer wardrobe is made of.

For instance, if you can, swap a bunch of your polyester tops and bottoms for light clothes made out of linen or cotton. These fabrics are more breathable and will keep you cool in the heat. 

Carefully select your colors

Victoria Fox – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Along with carefully choosing the fabrics you wear over the summer, you should also be careful about what colors you wear.

I understand this is the season for wearing fun-colored tops, but if you’re prone to sweating everywhere, I’d recommend leaning toward colors that don’t make your sweat stains stand out. For instance, black and dark colored clothes are your friend, as well as white and very light colored clothes.

Wear loose-fitting clothes

While I understand how fun it is to look ‘snatched,’ especially during nights out in the summer, if you sweat a lot, you don’t want your clothes to cling to you.

Pick out flowy dresses, tops, and pants that can give your skin a little space so you don’t drench them as soon as you spend an hour outside in the heat.

Use all-over deodorant

Many beauty and skincare brands are finally acknowledging that people need more defense for body sweat, so there are more all-over deodorants and antiperspirant products on the market.

Other than your favorite underarm deodorant, pick up one that can go just about anywhere to keep you smelling, looking, and feeling fresh.

Pack essentials

You can keep a few things with you during summer outings to keep you fresh and sweat-free. Those include oil-blotting sheets for eliminating sweat and oils from your face, a travel-sized fan so you can take a moment to fan yourself in the bathroom or while en route to another location, pressed powder so you’re less shiny, and some travel perfume to smell lovely all day long.

Again, being a sweaty mess during the summer is no fun. But if you utilize some of these tips over the next few months, hopefully, you won’t have to worry about it. Enjoy your summer!

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