He Disowned His Daughter And Stopped Supporting Her Financially Because She Wouldn’t Break Up With Her Manipulative Boyfriend

This 45-year-old man has a daughter, who is 21, and she’s always been his pride and joy.
“I’ve worked hard to provide for her, but maybe I focused too much on my job and not enough on her,” he said.
He thinks that because, a few months ago, she began dating a new guy. His daughter’s boyfriend was apparently “from a modest background,” and in the beginning, he tried to be open-minded about their relationship.
But it didn’t take long for him to notice that his daughter’s new boyfriend was both controlling and manipulative.
“He isolated her from her friends, belittled her, and it seemed like he was only interested in her for our money. I was worried sick,” he explained.
While he tried voicing his concerns to his daughter, though, she just kept deciding to stay with her boyfriend.
Whenever he’d bring up his worries, she only defended her boyfriend and claimed he didn’t understand. All of the back and forth left him feeling frustrated and desperate, too.
So, once he’d eventually had enough, he gave his daughter a choice.
“In a moment of anger and fear for her future, I gave her an ultimatum: leave him, or I’d cut her off financially,” he revealed.

opolja – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Spoiler alert: his daughter chose her boyfriend, and he was heartbroken. Nonetheless, he stood his ground and disowned his daughter – cutting off contact and pulling the plug on all financial support.
He hoped that all of this would make his daughter “see the truth” and come back to him. Yet, to his surprise, it only pushed her away.
She wound up moving in with her boyfriend, and together, the couple began to struggle.
He even learned through some mutual friends that his daughter was being treated badly by her boyfriend.
“I blamed myself, thinking if I had been more present, she wouldn’t have ended up with someone like him,” he vented.
“Her mother passed away when she was just 7-years-old. I’ve always tried to be the best father to her, but maybe I failed her in some ways.”
Months have now passed since then, and he hasn’t spoken to his daughter at all. He’s also begun feeling guilty about cutting her off since he misses her a lot and thinks he may have been too harsh.
So now, he’s unsure if disowning his daughter because she wouldn’t leave her boyfriend was the wrong thing to do.
Can you understand why he was worried for his daughter? At the same time, was disowning her the right call? How can he reconcile this situation?
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